Windows 10

Tips and Tricks for Windows 10 Start Button

With the release of Windows 10, Microsoft came back to its Start Button, which was temporarily removed in its Windows 8 version due to a system failure. Now the start button is back, and this time it has come with some very cool features. If…

Iot- internet of things

How IoT is Influencing App Development

As you leave your office for the day, you tap an app on your phone and start your car. Another app allows you to turn on lights at your house, maybe even get dinner started. Welcome to IoT, the Internet of Things, in which an…

Android Auto

How to Use Android Technology in High Tech Cars

As the competition to present autonomous automobiles covers speed, more car manufacturers are presenting protection that is more advanced, infotainment and semiautonomous features to automobiles. The latest Car technology has progressed big, in-dash touchscreen to technology that can direct your car down the road, you…


4 Sectors the Blockchain is Set to Disrupt

Bitcoin has long been heralded as the decentralization of money and finance. Yet it is Blockchain, the distributed and open ledger system that has been finding more widespread adoption. Blockchain’s impact on banking is obvious. However, there are a number of less obvious industries that…

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